Frequently asked questions
The Product
+ How does Zenniz tracking work?
Zenniz combines video and audio technologies to accurately track both the ball and players.
This enables Zenniz to make reliable automated line calls, provide stats and insights on matches, and create interactive drills.
For more, see this video.
+ How accurate is Zenniz?
Zenniz is extremely accurate.
As the tracking combines audio and video, it has consistently outperformed the human eye in official match play.
Keep in mind, that no system is perfect. Zenniz, like all devices, will miss some shots due to disruptions from the surroundings (animals running on the court etc).
According to a scientific study, professional ATP line umpires make line calling errors in 8,2% of shots that land close to a line (Mather, 2008).
+ What is required from the court?
The on-court experience requires only electricity and a stable internet connection.
+ What is required from the players?
The only thing a player needs to do is log in with our mobile app and log out when finishing playing.
+ Does Zenniz need an Internet connection?
The minimum requirement for the full experience is any low speed wired or wifi internet connection.
A broadband connection is recommended for video transfer and live streaming.
The system will continue to operate normally even if the internet connection is interrupted. The internet connection is not required for tracking or line calls.
+ How is Zenniz installed?
Installing Zenniz is a breeze.
The device installed by placing the device next to the net post.
For tracking, 30 audio sensors are placed at roughly human height around the court.
After this, the system needs to be calibrated. All in all, the installation takes typically 2 to 5 hours.
+ Is Zenniz easy to start using?
Players log into Zenniz with their Zenniz application. This takes just a few seconds. No need to remember usernames or passwords.
+ Does Zenniz work on all court surfaces?
Yes. Our tracking algorithms are designed to work on all surfaces. For rare court types, such as natural grass, we recommend getting in touch with us to discuss your unique setup separately.
+ Does Zenniz work on outdoor courts?
Currently, we are shipping indoor systems, with the outdoor version being in development.
+ Is Zenniz durable?
Yes. The Zenniz device is made from sturdy aluminum steel and plexiglass. It can withstand the fastest serves and stray balls.
Pricing & Shipping
+ Where can I buy Zenniz and how much does Zenniz cost?
We are currently shipping to Europe and the USA. Please get in touch to hear more.
+ How long it takes to be delivered after the order?
Typically the delivery time after the order is approximately three months.