Grand Rapids Racquet and Fitness: now fully equipped with Zenniz

A community of athletes - a community of excellence. That´s the essence of Grand Rapids Racquet and Fitness in Michigan, U.S.

The region’s premier tennis facility, with eight indoor courts, is now fully equipped with Zenniz smart court systems. Ushering in a new era of precision and innovation in the game.

”We have been thrilled to have Zenniz come and put units inside of all of our facility. This is the cutting edge of tennis. The players want to play where they know that the line calls are going to be fair”, starts Tom Walker, Director of Tennis Operations at the Grand Rapids.

”Beyond simple line calling, Zenniz had the capacity for AI, auto-tagging, player review, video feeds, livestreaming, so this made a complete package as opposed to dealing with different providers for each one of these things.”

Grand Rapids Racquet and Fitness: We specialize in developing athletes to their fullest potential. Home of the “Wolfpack”, a nationally recognized program, our coaches have a proven track record of developing world class junior tennis players. However, being a athlete is not defined by age, ability or sport. We encourage and rejoice in each members accomplishment and goals reached. Our strength comes from the passion of our extended family. Together we can achieve great things.

Tennis is a game. A very competitive game which requires much from the players. The last thing for them should be to worry of the fairness of the game. However, the uncertainty remains a challenge in tennis. Walker explains that with the help of Zenniz the players can simply relax and play. 

”Playing experiences is frankly unreal and makes the matches flow. No longer are the players getting mad at each other. From using the stats that are available, the analytics from the replay of the lessons. It just makes it a complete experience and it’s making tennis much more enjoyable.”

One question pops up from the tournament players to Walker: is it fair?

”Absolutely. They find that very very comfortable.”

Zenniz system is developed with the leading thoughts of fairness, ease of use and innovation. Walker finds it very important that the Zenniz team are heavily linked to tennis from player, club to federation level.

”They understand how the game´s being played, how it can be abused, and also how to come up with systems to be very catering to what you may need.”

The ecosystem enables facilities to enhance the playing experience but also to monetize.

”So many different settings for league tennis, for USTA tennis and for individual play all at a touch of button on the screen makes it a perfect system. The fact that I can record the matches, provide analytics back, and charge for that very easily, makes this a way that I can defray those costs.”